"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." Mark Twain

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Write s overloaded function power() having two versions for it. The first version takes double n and int p and returns a double value. Another version takes takes int n and int p returning int value. Use a default value of 2 for p in case p is omitted in the function call.


//first function
int power(int n, int p=2) 
int res = pow(n, p);
return res;

//second function
double power(double n, int p = 2) 
double res;
res = pow(n,p);
return res;

void main()

int value, powr, result;

cout<< "\n Enter a value (any integer ) to find it's square:";
cin>>  value;
// first function will be called
result = power(value); 
cout<< "\n The square of " << value << " = " << result;

cout<< "\n Enter a value (any integer ) to find it's cube:";
cin>> value;
// first function will be called
result = power(value, 3); 

cout<< "\n The cube of " << value < <" = " << result;

cout<< "\n Enter a value (any integer)  :";
cin>> value;
cout<< "\n Enter its power (any integer) :";
cin>> powr;
// first function will be called
result = power(value, powr); 
cout<< "\n The  " << value < <" to the power of " << powr <<" is " << result;

int p;
float val,  r;
cout<< "\n Enter a value  :";
cin>> val;
cout<< "\n Enter its power ( integer):";
cin>> p;
//second function is called
r = power(val, p); 
cout<< "\n The " << val << " to the power of " << p <<" is " << r;

cout<< "\n Enter a value :";
cin>> val;
// second function will be called
r = power(val); 
cout<< "\n The square of " << val << " = " << r;

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