"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." Mark Twain

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A program that reads a string & a character . Each occurrence of the given character (regardless of its case) is converted to opposite case.


void main()
char str[30], ch, ch1;

cout<<"\n Enter a String:";

cout<<"\n Enter a character :";

for(int i =0; str[i]!='\0'; ++i)
if(toupper(ch) = = toupper(str[i]))
    if(str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='Z')
         str[i] = str[i] + 32;
         str[i] = str[i] - 32;

cout<<"\n The Converted String is  "<< str;

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I m an IT lecturer of a college. I love social-work. I want to do something beneficial for society before dying , that can promote our society, to some extent.